The Grill Master
'The Grill Master' is a nod to a man named, Bill. Bill takes his grilling seriously. So much so, that he won't let
anyone in the house get near the grill that he loves almost as much as he loves his wife... I mean, his car.
When the family heads out for the day, Bill heads for the grill, and when they return, they will enjoy the best bar-b-que of their lives.
"You've gotta have respect for the meat. Creating the perfect burger or dog is an art. What you put on it makes or breaks the total experience. Oh, and you've gotta get the temperature just right or it's a waste really.
And you need good buns. Good buns are essential."
Just a few more minutes and it is go time, which works out because with all the focus on getting the condiments
and the buns lined up, the Grill Master forgot a few things, like plates.