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Grand Canyon July 4th

When I was growing up, my parents talked endlessly about visiting the Grand Canyon. For as long as I can remember, especially in late June as those swelteringly and dizzying 90-degree + 95% humidity days rolled by,
it was a hot topic of conversation. (No pun intended.)

"Maybe this will be the summer that we make it out to the Grand Canyon" my father would say, as if he hadn't said it a thousand times before. So, without realizing it, over time I began to picture the experience. It was etched in my brain.

I began to fantasize about finally getting there, if for no other reason than it had to be far cooler than
my numbingly hot native New York City during the month of July.

In the summer of 2007, the dream of visiting The Grand Canyon became a reality for my parents as they RV'd
across the country and for the very first time, laid eyes on what my father described as one of
the most amazing natural occurrences he has ever seen.

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