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Myles McCormick, former CEO of Bare Esentuals and current CEO of FORMA Brands

'bar Minerals' was created in honor of Myles' significant birthday 

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My miniature bar Minerals all decked out for Myles' birthday celebration (above) and the life-size bar Minerals as it stood outside of Myles' office in 2009 (below).


When I first joined Bare Escentuals as Myles' executive assistant in 2009, one of my co-workers told me she'd heard a rumor about a counter turned bar that was coming out of storage to be used for events in the office. Having worked at other companies that had a closet of libations under lock and key I wasn't particularly blown away by this news. It wasn't until about two weeks into my start date, at the end of our 1:1 that Myles shared the news that "we" would be getting our own bar, and that he himself had removed the "e" from bareMinerals to create 'bar Minerals'. Back in the days when BE was a much smaller company, there was a happy hour tradition that the team really enjoyed... he wanted to bring it back and share it with the entire company. That's when I thought to myself, "Oh, I think I'm going to enjoy working at BE."




When I embarked on creating a miniature bar Minerals for Myles' big birthday, I wanted to get it as close to the real thing as possible, so much so that I ended up creating the bar three separate times because even though I converted the measurements to 1:12 scale, the bar just didn't look right. I did manage to get the graphic pattern of the wood laminate and the logo right on the first try... so that felt good. The carpet was a perfect match, too!


Over the years we had many wonderful celebrations at bar Minerals: St. Patrick's Day, engagement and bridal showers, BE anniversaries, and more birthday celebrations than I can count. From time to time it was even used as a mock makeup display, and the EA team used it as a food station for events even when alcohol wasn't always served. (It made an exceptional dessert bar!) 


Bar Minerals was an undeniable fixture and a  special part of our mutual BE experience, and of so many people in the company.


We threw a company-wide celebration for Myles' big birthday, which wasn't his preference. I remember thinking that if he could have curbed our collective enthusiasm he would have celebrated with a much smaller, much quieter event. I imagine Myles having a Guinness at bar Minerals with Leslie and Simon... enjoying some of his favorite Mexican food, some of Jo's famous cupcakes, and a chocolate cake to die for.

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One memorable bar Minerals event was a party I threw in honor of the late Whitney Houston, about a week after her passing. So many people I knew were sad and stunned, and almost everywhere I went I was hearing her music. I decided an upbeat and somewhat satirical tribute was in order. I was told I did a fairly convincing impersonation of the inimitable Diva; with a little singing, a little autograph signing, a little champagne and lots of paparazzi! 

In November of 2011, BE partnered with me to host the biggest bar Minerals event ever. Following a car accident in which my parents were both seriously injured, I wanted to hold a fund-raiser to help with their excessive medical bills and expenses. When I learned it would cost nearly $20k to hold the event at one of our hotel partners, Myles suggested I have it at BE. This magnificent event was an UNBELIEVABLE success, and we had an amazing time as we played mini-golf (in honor of my Dad, previously an avid golfer), held live and silent auctions, (raising nearly 3x the target goal), and we ate, drank and made merry. I was blown away by the generosity of the BE community and how at this event, everyone that attended embraced the cause. On that day I was surrounded by family. A huge thank you to Myles (who I later learned purchased every item that didn't sell in the silent auction!), to Leslie Blodgett, for being the best MC that I could have hoped for, and for contributing the entire goal amount for the event at the start at the evening (!!), to my former CEO, dear friend and mentor, David Suliteanu, who not only showed his support with a personal donation but also donated several INCREDIBLE Sephora goodie baskets, and to so many wonderful friends and supporters.

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One of the things I most valued about working with Myles was his unshakable belief that I belonged in the room. The opportunity that I was given to partner with him at that level directly impacted my competence and my confidence in a manner that ultimately turned my glass ceiling into a glass door. It was truly an honor to work with Myles through the years as he ascended to the CEO role at BE.

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